明月花灯影相连,口齿余味都是甜。 Moon flower lamp shades, tongue aftertaste is sweet. | ||
精妙的果味带来了干爽悠长的余味。 Very fine fruit with a pleasantly dry and long finish. | ||
天麻、牛膝、人参、杜仲、黄芪、地龙、鹿茸、冬虫夏草等30余味。 Main Ingredients: Gastrodia, Radix, ginseng, Eucommia, Astragalus, Earthworm, deer horn and Cordyceps 30 finish. | ||
让他们的时间也一并参与…正是电影之魔力让余味…肆意飘荡。 Have their time Shared... it's the Movie Magic that allows the rest... to come. | ||
五粮小曲酒具有清雅细腻、醇和回甜、余味爽净的独特风格。 The produced Xiaoqu liquor had its typical styles including elegant and exquisite and mellow taste and clean and enjoyable aftertaste. | ||
香气特征:具有津巴布韦地区烟草特殊香气,香韵丰富,烟气醇厚甜润而细腻、余味爽净。 Odor Characteristics: with special aroma of tobacco in Zimbabwe region, rich in nuances, mellow and sweet and delicate smoke, cool finish net. | ||
带白胡椒和黑莓的设拉子香气,蕴含中等浓度的番石榴以及香瓜味道。果味浓郁,单宁甜美,余味绵长。 White pepper and black cherry nose, medium bodied guava, melon like fruit sweetness with strong chalky tannins and a long gamey finish. | ||