我们与生俱备吗? Are we just born with it? | ||
一个作家所俱备的不仅仅是才华而巳。 It requires more than mere genius to be an author. | ||
而要继续违持这种成功需要俱备以下几个条件。 For this success to continue, several things need to happen. | ||
《精粹》杂志的主编苏珊·泰勒起草了大约40种复信格式,从退稿到答复捐赠请求,样样俱备。 Susan Taylor,editor-in-chief of Essence,has created some 40form letters for everything from article rejections to replies to requests for donations. | ||
作为小型企业,我们面临的一个难题是我们事事俱备,但有时我们可能会“当局者迷”,意识不到可能导致问题的一些方面。 One difficult problem we face as small businesses is that we're doing everything and sometimes we're too close to our work to notice things that could be causing problems. | ||