他还是兰州大学地理系创建人。 He was also the founder of the Geography Department of Lanzhou University. | ||
他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。 He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty. | ||
如果是这样,它们会是学校创建人的四件遗物吗? If so, could they be the four relics of the founders? | ||
这项研究的主要目标是创建人机界面,让像杰克这样的残疾人恢复活动能力。 The goal of much of this research into brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) is indeed to afford handicapped people, like Jake, shots at mobility. | ||
由于创建人亨利·福特喜欢小动物,所以标志设计者把福特的英文画成一只小白兔样子的图案。 As founder Henry Ford, like small animals, so the sign painted in English designers of the Ford looks like a little rabbit pattern. | ||
“你也可以在第二天酒醒之后确定自己到底身处何处”该网站的一位创建人戈登·巴特勒打趣地说。 "You can also use it the next day to find out where the Hell you have been," quipped the site's co-founder Gordon Butler. | ||
查尔斯·图尔特·尔斯,飞机师、尔斯·罗伊斯工程公司的创建人之一,在多塞特郡死于空难。 Charles Stewart Rolls, aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce, was killed in an air crash in Dorset. | ||
他说,此外中国人民解放军的创建人Zhu De也曾是三合会成员,中国的第一代情报首长康生也和三合会中的“爱国人士”一起开展工作。 In addition, Zhu De, founder of China's People's Liberation Army, was once a member of a triad, and Kang Sheng, China's first intelligence chief, also worked with "patriotic" triads, he said. | ||
本田汽车公司的创建人之一——藤泽武夫曾经评论说:“日本的管理和美国的管理95%是相同的,而所有重要的方面都不同。” Takeo fujisawa cofounder of honda motor company once observed that "japanese and american management is95percent the same and differs in all important respects. "" | ||
“桂林自唐代以来就一直是大都市,它有保存最完好的明代建筑,”广西大学旅游科学研究所(现为广西西大旅游科学研究院——译注)创建人杨永德说道。 "Guilin has been a metropolis since the Tang dynasty and has the best preserved Ming dynasty houses," said Yang Yongde, founder of the Tourism Research Institute at Guangxi University. | ||