各方都认识到半岛核问题的复杂性,解决半岛核问题需要长期努力。 All the parties have realized the complexity of the Peninsula nuclear issue, whose resolution requires prolonged efforts. | ||
南极洲半岛气候最温和。 Antarctic Peninsula has the most moderate climate. | ||
答:我们一再强调,如果半岛乱,首先遭殃的是半岛北南双方的人民。 A: As we repeatedly stressed, if the situation on the Peninsula goes unchecked, the peoples on the two sides of the Peninsula will be the first to suffer. | ||
这将是即半岛电视新闻网在2006年开通半岛英语新闻台之后,开播的第二个外语新闻频道。 This will be the second foreign-language station the network has opened, after Al Jazeera English in 2006. | ||
失事地点叫做“菲尔半岛人工礁”。 The wreck site is known as the "Fleurieu Artificial Reef". | ||
还有来自伊比利亚半岛的爱尔兰人呢? Or the Irish, who came from the Iberian Peninsula? | ||
在海上战役的日德兰半岛发生。 At sea the Battle of Jutland takes place. | ||
其原因在于韩半岛地区的局势的复杂性,和由此而导致的韩半岛和平现状的脆弱性。 It is because of the geopolitical complexity surrounding the Peninsula and fragility of the present peace reigning on the Korean Peninsula, provided by such complexity. | ||
那只船停泊在了离半岛北海岸不远处。 The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the peninsula. | ||
虎头山海滨旅游区位于电白县南海半岛,占地面积3.73平方公里。 Hutoushan waterfront tourist area in the South China Sea peninsula Dianbai County, covers 373 square kilometers. | ||