不管天晴下雨,杂草对园艺家来说总是祸根。 Wet of fine, weeds are always regarded as the bane of a horticulturist 's life. | ||
一些园艺家在稿杆或晒干了的谷物茎杆下中土豆。 Some gardeners plant potatoes under straw, or stems of dried grain. | ||
两夫妻都是园艺家,看到我们如此惊羡这不可思议的花园和风景,他们非常开心。 Both were horticulturists, and they were amused by our awe of their incredible gardens and landscaping. | ||
我们拥有近一百五十名专业成员的团队,包括,园林设计师,园艺家,雕塑家,专业的园林工人,管理人员,销售队伍。 We have a dedicated team of about 150 staff, inclusive of our horticulturist, sales team, landscape designers, experienced supervisors and skilled gardeners. | ||
他给人的印象安静,忠诚,温良。他是一个厨师,一个狂热的园艺家,还是个一丝不苟的《安大略评论》的编辑。 He comes across as quiet, loyal, and domesticated; a cook, a keen gardener, and a meticulous editor of the Ontario Review. | ||
如果你是那种喜欢自己照料植株的园艺家,就不妨留几根花枝,让它们长出葫芦状的果实,成熟后将籽撒在瓦罐或盆子里。 If you are the sort of gardener that likes raising your own nursery stock, leave a couple of sprays to develop their gourd-shaped fruit, and sow the seed when ripe in a pot or pan. | ||