民主的深入人心需要时间。 Time would be needed for democracy to take root. | ||
“动作比语言更能深入人心”。 Action is more generally understood than words. | ||
音乐与香味的类比已经深入人心了。 The analogy between music and fragrance has stuck. | ||
深入人心的见证不容易作,却能造益许多人。 The difficult path of witness that goes deep can be helpful to many people. | ||
在西格蒙德·弗洛伊德之前,没有近代的科学家如此深入人心。 Before Sigmund Freud, no modern scientist had looked so deeply into the human mind. | ||
在创意主导下,借力使力,制造热门话题,让品牌更脍炙人口,深入人心。 In the creative direction, leveraging the power, manufacturing, hot topic, make the brand more win universal praise, win support among the people. | ||
宏济堂的深入人心、有口皆碑并非仅靠产品和服务得来的,更是得益于同仁堂传承而来的一种家国情怀。 It is well-known and prosperous not only because the products and service, but also because of the emotion of "Family-country" which is inherited from Tong Ren Tang. | ||
富有创造性的演绎顿时让人声名鹊起。他的流浪汉形象深入人心——头戴一顶小圆帽,身着一条肥硕的裤子,穿着超大号靴子,留着一撇小胡子,俏皮风趣的走资——颇具喜感的装扮与活灵活现的演绎让他家喻户晓,身价倍增。 His tramp persona – bowler hat, baggy trousers, outsize boots, moustache, funny walk – made him the most famous man who ever lived, and one of the richest. | ||