灰雁伏特加,柠檬汁,糖浆,甜椒片。 Grey Goose, lemon juice, sugar syrup, bell pepper slices. | ||
除了甜椒和茄子,许多别的蔬菜烤起来也不错。 Apart from peppers and eggplant, many other vegetables grill well. | ||
主要产品:马铃薯、冬瓜、大白菜、小方柿、甜椒、西红柿、丝瓜、大豆。 Products: sweet potato white gourd chinese cabbage persimmon tomato towel gourd soybean. | ||
夹有蒸粗麦粉的甜椒配炖菜是一道非常受欢迎的菜。 Bell peppers stuffed with couscous, alongside ratatouille, is a very popular dish. | ||
捯碎的鳀鱼与双色甜椒、蒜片、牛奶、起司、鸡汤烩烤,加乘丰富滋味。 Anchovy together with sweet-pepper, garlic, milk, chicken stock, and add cheese toasted. | ||
如果你赶时间的话,可以尝试三个炒蛋白和一个蛋黄,再加上黄甜椒、新鲜菠菜和低脂的菲达奶酪——另一盘低脂的美味。 When you're in a hurry, try 3 scrambled egg whites and 1 yolk mixed with yellow bell pepper, fresh spinach, and low-fat feta cheese—another tasty low-fat dish. | ||
如果以标准斯科威尔辣度指数(Scoville heat scale:甜椒为0,最辣的印度断魂椒为100万单位),黄色哈瓦那辣椒的辣度在10万至35万之间。 On the standard Scoville heat scale (Bell peppers 0, the hottest Indian jolokia peppers 1,000,000) orange habaneros run 100,000 to 350,000. | ||