英属维尔京群岛是英国在加勒比领土的一部分,群岛坐落在加勒比海的东北角,位于美属维尔京群岛的东北部。 The British Virgin Islands are part of the British Territories in the Caribbean. They are located northeast of the US Virgin Islands, on the northeast corner of the Caribbean Sea. | ||
法团为英属维尔京群岛商业公司,基金公司。 Incorporation of the Fund company as a BVI Business company. | ||
美属维尔京群岛某种不寻常的东西正在游动。 SOMETHING unusual is swimming in the sea near the United States Virgin Islands. | ||
共同基金支付报名费和识别费英属维尔京群岛金管会。 Payment of Mutual fund Application fee and Recognition fee to BVI FSC. | ||
答案:波多黎各(上图),美属维尔京群岛,美属萨摩亚群岛,北马里亚纳群岛,关岛。 Answer: Puerto Rico, above, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, North Mariana Islands, Guam. | ||
英属维尔京群岛商业公司的形成,所有主要文件和公司印章。 BVI Business Company formation, all primary documents and corporate seal. | ||
彩票在43个州,华盛顿特区及美属维尔京群岛均有销售。 They are available in 43 states, Washington DC, and US virgin islands. | ||
邮政信箱,路镇,托托拉岛,英属维尔京群岛离岸法团中心。 P. O. Box 958, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. | ||
在沙特阿拉伯、危地马拉和维尔京群岛,当地法规通常要求车辆配备应急备胎。 In Saudi Arabia Guatemala and the virgin islands the laws generally require an emergency spare wheel. | ||
毛里求斯是印度最大的投资者,英属维尔京群岛是在中国最大的投资者。 Mauritius is the largest investor in India, the British Virgin Islands one of the biggest in China. | ||