是终于收到翘首以待的邮包? Receiving something in the mail that you've been waiting for? | ||
邮差爱不释手,将它放入自己的邮包。 The postman fondle admiringly, placed it in his parcel. | ||
用旧报纸包裹邮包或者邮件,而不要用膜泡包裹邮件。 Stuff delicate postal packages with old newspapers or junk mail instead of bubble wrap. | ||
指通过邮政企业寄递的信件、印刷品、邮包、汇款通知、报刊等。 Postal materials refer to mail, printed matter, postal parcels, money orders, newspapers, periodicals, etc. | ||
邮件:指通过邮政企业寄递的信件、印刷品、邮包、汇款通知、报刊等。 Postal materials: referring to mail, printed matter, postal parcels, money orders, newspapers, periodicals, etc. posted and delivered by postal enterprises. | ||
建议的措施可针对人员、行李、货物、集装箱、船舶、航空器、公路车辆、物品或邮包。 Recommended measures could be directed towards persons, baggage, cargo, containers, ships, aircraft, road vehicles, goods or postal parcels. | ||
我估到佢打开邮包时实行会哈哈爆笑。我邮寄咗一个好可爱嘅“小白兔”羊绒布娃娃。 I guess she opened the parcel will laugh, I mailed a cute little rabbit doll. | ||