医疗保险很昂贵。 Medical insurance is very pricey. | ||
知道自己有医疗保险,她不再担心了。 Knowing that she had medical insurance took a great load off her mind. | ||
这个费用包括在你的医疗保险里了。 The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. | ||
如果碰上一个患有慢性疾病而又没有医疗保险的人会怎么办呢? What happens to someone with a chronic disease and no insurance? | ||
“我没有劳动合同,”窦说,“也没有雇主方的医疗保险。如果你坚持要的话,在这里就不会有人雇你。” "I don't have a labor contract," Dou said. "There's no employer-side health insurance. If you insist, no one will hire you here." | ||
你如何解释在科罗拉多州博尔德市,医疗保险的平均费用是9103美元,而在一小时车程远的科罗拉多州柯林斯堡,费用却是6448美元? How do you explain that in Boulder, Colo., the average cost of medicare treatment is $9,103, whereas an hour away in Fort Collins, Colo., the cost is $6,448? | ||