此外还有caraway (藏茴香果)、saffron (番红花)、cumin (孜然) 等香料,全都带有阿拉伯名称。 Added to this are the fragrant spices caraway, saffron, and cumin, all of which have Arabic names. | ||
原来打小茴香,不用尖利的器具,轧大茴香,也不用碌碡,〔文作车轮下同〕用杖打小茴香,用棍打大茴香。 For the fitches are not threshed with a threshing instrument, neither is a cart wheel turned about upon the cummin ; but the fitches are beaten out with a staff, and the cummin with a rod. | ||
加入香草/香料:香料,咖喱粉,茴香,罗勒,五香粉,烤肉香料。 Add herbs/spices: Coriander, Curry Powder, Cumin , Basil, Chinese 5 spice, BBQ spices… | ||
同样地,您还可以做小茴香、红萝卜和其他美味素菜。 The same thing goes for carrots with dill sauce and other gourmet veggies. | ||
茴香有一种与众不同的茴芹籽的味道。 Fennel has a very distinctive aniseed flavour. | ||
目的:从小茴香中提取挥发油,并测定其含量。 Objective: To extract and determine Naphtha in Fennel fruit. | ||
添加准备好的番茄和茴香籽再煮一分钟。 Add the tomatoes and fennel seeds and cook for a minute. | ||
阿拉伯流亡报纸也举棋不定。 The Arab press in exile is also torn. | ||
返回杜拜之前,聆赏阿拉伯音乐和欣赏阿拉伯肚皮舞娘的表演吧。 Before returning to Dubai, enjoy Arabic music and Arabian belly dancers (belly dance). | ||
八角:又名茴香、大茴香,是南亚热带地区特有的经济树种。 Star anise: also known as fennel, anise, is a subtropical tree species unique economic region. | ||