这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。 The book diagnoses our present economic ills. | ||
目的:探讨督脉治疗在砭术中的作用。 ObjectiveTo study the role of Governor Vessel (GV) treatment in Bian-stone therapy. | ||
我头也痛、喉也痛。 Yes. My throat hurts. | ||
多少事,不足为外人道,多少痛,痛到不能说。 How many thing, no need to let others know, how much pain, pain to cannot say. | ||
多少事,不足为外人道。多少痛,痛到不能说。 How many things, not enough for the external humanitarian. How much pain, pain can not be said. | ||
想靠形形色色的义的说教来匡正时弊,拯救世风人心,事实上无济于事。 It is, in fact, of no help to depend upon kinds of righteous preaching to rectify malpractices and save the manners and morals of the time. | ||
等待是一种痛。忘却也是一种痛。但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering. | ||
结论施氏砭术疗法对冠心病伴焦虑;忧郁症患者疗法较好。 Conclusion the Shi's Bianstone therapy is superior to routine treatment in treating CHD patients with anxiety or hypochondria. | ||
痛的厉害的必急促痛的久长的必轻。 The pain of severe shortness of will long will light in pain. | ||
感受千刀万剐的痛! Feel the sting of a thousand cuts! | ||